Captain Books

  • Captain Co-op, the New Assistant, & the Tornado
    Captain Co-op and his assistant, Volt the electric eel, work at a cooperative that provides electricity and community services. They face a tornado and help with storm damage.
  • Captain Cookie
    A young boy named Jeff becomes Captain Cookie after a series of events. He battles villains Inferno and Mr. Milk with the help of his super-powered dog, Harry.
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  • Captain Jason Voorhees adventures
    let's see what happens when Captain Jason Voorhees crosses paths with the infamous pirate Blackbeard
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  • The Titanic
    A brief description of the Titanic and its various rooms, followed by a mention of the sinking and a conversation between Steve and the captain.
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    Captain boy and water girl part 2 is available now . This is my second book - Sai Karthik Ambula
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  • The Sisters of Muffin Manor (Mysteries at the Mapletown Party)
    'Mysteries at the Mapletown Party' is book #3 in the 'Sisters of Muffin Manor' series. Fun and exciting true stories from a Halloween costume party and the strange happenings…
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  • The Salty Sea Captain
    A sea pirate and his crew are cast overboard during a storm. Find out what they do! And what becomes of the sea captain too!
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  • Elizabeth Does A Little Chemistry
    Captain George Burtles of the Royal Air Force (R.A.F.), needing an improved fuel for a new type of jet aircraft, telephones Elizabeth to engage her help. Elizabeth, using her…
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