Complications Books

  • Love in a Year
    A bear and a bunny discover relationships can have their ups and downs.

    Background: I had started this book as a first year anniversary gift for my girlfriend but as…
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  • I have a genetic condition.
    It is about my son's rare genetic condition and all the complications that it has added to his life.
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  • Connected
    Dear Friends,
    This book was inspired by one of the acts I've watched about twins on TV displayed by my favourite dance show. Thus, I decided to research on how twins surv…
  • CHOLERA: Pepto or no pepto?
    An informative book about cholera, its transmission, symptoms, treatments, and complications. It also discusses how cholera survives and its impact on different populations.
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  • My memory book
    Johnny Pastillo talks about his daily routine, interests, expectations for the semester, a funny story, and complications he faced during online classes.
  • What is Chicken Pox?
    A simple and informative story about chicken pox, its symptoms, transmission, prevention, and potential complications.
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  • Sickle Cell Disease
    Learn all about sickle cell disease, how it affects a person, and when it was discovered.
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  • Tony Get's the Flu
    Tony, a school worker, gets the flu and learns about its symptoms, prevention, and complications.
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