Coping Strategies Books

  • Malik's Autistic Adventures
    Malik, a child with Autism, explains what Autism is and how it affects him. He shares his unique experiences, challenges, and coping strategies.
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    A child narrates their experience of their parents' separation and divorce, expressing their emotions, coping strategies, and the love they receive from both parents.
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  • Feelings
    A young child describes their emotions and coping strategies in various situations.
  • Gram's Big Beautiful Eyes
    Add a description for this book...this book explains the condition of age-related macular degeneration, coping strategies, the bio-psychosocial-spiritual impact and resources…
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    A brief overview of anxiety, its causes, symptoms, and coping strategies for children.
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  • Information about Anger
    An informative book explaining what anger is, how to recognize it, reasons for anger, and strategies to calm down.
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  • My Story about Anxiety
    Pirate Pete shares his experience with anxiety and offers coping strategies for children who may be experiencing it.
    by VSC
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  • Those Funny Feelings
    Liam, a second grader with ADHD and anxiety, struggles to focus and control his emotions at school. With the help of his teacher, Mrs. Jane, he learns coping strategies and g…
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