Country Music Books

  • Country Overview: Palestine
    These are the notes of a young girl learning about Palestine and her Palestinian heritage.
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  • The ABCs of Texas
    An alphabet book about Texas, covering various topics from history to nature. Each letter represents a different aspect of the state.
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  • 10 Days to Infinity
    I have always wanted to write a book for little kids. As a STEM teacher eight years ago, I couldn't find many books with Hispanic and African American kids as the main charac…
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  • The Days We Celebrate
    A poetic celebration of various holidays throughout the year, highlighting their significance and the joy they bring to people of all ages.
  • Harmony Unleashed
    In this story, read about Harmony Unleashed, a band made from four lifelong friends who have a passion for music!
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  • The Virginia Girl
    The life story of Doris Ann Waddell Beasley, from her difficult childhood to her marriage and family life in Dallas.
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  • Taylor Swift
    This is a biography of Taylor Swift, from her childhood to her rise to fame as a country and pop singer. It highlights her albums, awards, and achievements.
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  • Tour of Australia
    Maya and Levi, two children from Australia, share facts about their country, including its nickname, celebrations, art, music, school, food, and differences from the U.S.
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