Creativity Books

  • Little Bear is Stuck at Home
    This book goes along with the Little Bear series. It is about the main character, Little Bear, who faces tough times during this awful COVID-19 self-isolation.
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  • N.B. Youth Poet Contest
    A collection of children's poems, each with its unique theme and style. The poems encourage self-love, appreciation of nature, hope, and creativity. They are beautifully illu…
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  • Let Art Play A Part!
    Inspiration for the Artist in all of us! Excellent opening tool for Educators, Parents and those needing a nudge to tap in to their creativity.
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    Becca's Wild Moose Chase is the story of a bumble bee and a moose. Following an unfortunate first encounter and a chase through the prairie, the pair forget their differences…
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  • Medina City Schools Operation Gratitude: Kindness Quarantine
    The story is a compilation of various acts of kindness performed by children during the quarantine period. It includes making art, writing letters, helping neighbors, and exp…
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  • Playing Together
    This book is for playing together and taking turns when playing. And caring about each others feelings.
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  • Minecraft
    A child describes their love for playing Minecraft, including building, playing on servers, using commands, taming dogs, crafting, using mods, and fishing.
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  • Star Fairy Magic
    A young girl encounters a star fairy who turns her story into a constellation in the night sky.
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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