Descriptions Books

  • I Am
    A collection of short rhymes introducing various animals, objects, and professions, each with a brief description.
    Eye Icon 58311
    Star Icon 875
  • Halq'eméylem Sp’í:ls s’alhtel qas te sth’í:m
    A bilingual story about fruits and vegetables, their descriptions, and the benefits of eating them.
    Eye Icon 156
    Star Icon 6
  • ABC's of Warrior Cats
    An alphabetical list of cat characters with descriptions of their appearance and personality traits.
    Eye Icon 695
    Star Icon 77
  • Some of My Best Friends are ORANGE and other interesting things
    A book about the color orange for young children to see and hear.
    Eye Icon 215
    Star Icon 16
  • The Things I Find Outside
    This book is fun to read because it can teach other people to go outside more to find cool stuff like I did.
    Eye Icon 907
    Star Icon 87
  • The ABC Food
    This story is an alphabetical list of various foods and their uses. It ends with a random fact about a musical instrument.
    Eye Icon 911
    Star Icon 14
  • The Unicorn
    A description of unicorns and their magical qualities, including their habitat, behavior, and relationship with humans.
    Eye Icon 4149
    Star Icon 331
  • Eating the Fruit Alphabet!
    An alphabetical list of fruits with brief descriptions and facts about each one.
    Eye Icon 97
    Star Icon 1
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