My Published Books (1)

  • My friend Christiana has special needs. She is awesome with animals. She wants to be an animal trainer for her job one day. If you love animals, you'll love this book!
    by jensclassroom
    Eye Icon 983
    Star Icon 82

My Public / Unpublished Books (10)

  • A dog writes in his diary about a new addition to the household....a cat.
    by jensclassroom
    Eye Icon 49608
    Star Icon 1846
  • In the town of Gladstone, children start exhibiting strange behaviors. Ranger Ben, a detective, investigates the mystery.
    by jensclassroom
    Eye Icon 1549
    Star Icon 96
  • This book provides information about the life of pandas, including their habitat, diet, life cycle, and fun facts.
    by jensclassroom
    Eye Icon 6472
    Star Icon 167
  • Have you ever wished you had a super power? Like super strength, x-ray vision, or the ability to fly. In the dog world Blood Hounds have a super power, the power to smell. To learn more about Blood Hounds and their super noses check out this book by Jackson Rogers.
    by jensclassroom
    Eye Icon 2396
    Star Icon 167
  • Have you ever wondered about if the old fairy tales were made in the present? Well your to find out one in this book!
    by jensclassroom
    Eye Icon 1937
    Star Icon 150
  • This book is fun to read because it can teach other people to go outside more to find cool stuff like I did.
    by jensclassroom
    Eye Icon 907
    Star Icon 87
  • Make a homemade rocket and see how high you can get it to fly.
    by jensclassroom
    Eye Icon 1441
    Star Icon 128
  • When an evil witch ruins the 10th birthday party of twin sisters, Andra and Adelphia, they are torn apart by an enchanted spell. Andra, left handicapped by the spell, learns that bitterness and self-pity are not the way to overcome trials.
    by jensclassroom
    Eye Icon 706
    Star Icon 66
  • This wordless picture book is a great book for parents with young children to explore together. After reading the book, take a walk around your neighborhood and see how many faces you can find hiding on the sidewalks.
    by jensclassroom
    Eye Icon 4906
    Star Icon 134
  • Desert, arctic, bush, savanna, and rainforest animals complain about their habitats. God sends an earthquake.
    by jensclassroom
    Eye Icon 352
    Star Icon 22

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