Donations Books

  • Saving Society from COVID-19
    A story about school-aged children showing appreciation to healthcare workers while demonstrating leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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  • Poverty
    The story discusses the contrast between people who have many belongings and those who live in poverty, and encourages readers to make a difference through fundraising and do…
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  • small business
    A young entrepreneur shares tips on starting a small business, selling handmade items, and donating part of the profits to charity.
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  • The Magical Threads of Threadsville: A Tale of Two Journeys
    In this sequel to The Magical Threads of Threadsville, return to the magical town where every piece of clothing has a story! A Tale of Two Journeys follows Tina, a cheerful t…
  • Diary of a Noob Book 1
    Get ready for the newest and best roblox book series of all time Diary of a Noob
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  • The Magical Threads of Threadsville
    In the town of Threadsville, Jessie discovers a magical cabinet filled with talking clothes. With their help, she organizes a clothing drive to help her community and inspire…
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  • TERRY FOX RUN 2014!
    A story about Terry Fox and his mission to raise money for cancer research through a marathon run, with a plea for donations.
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  • Harper and the Donation
    When you purchase this book, all of the money will go to Charity.
    Eye Icon 21
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