Fast Food Books

  • Megasaurus
    The tiny, multi-colored bean-shaped bears of Beandom are under attack by a monster. Even the King's wisest advisors seem unable find a solution. Who will save Beandom? Can an…
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  • No Fast Food
    The story argues against having fast food at school due to health concerns like weight gain, allergies, and child obesity.
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    This is a story of overcoming bullies with teamwork and assertiveness. Though you may be afraid at first if you just stand up for yourself you will run evil away.
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    Terry meets a new unexpected friend while visiting his grandmother's house for the summer.
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  • Thanksgiving With My Family
    Many of the holidays throughout the year bring out the very best in each and every one of us. For one day love can be so powerful that we smile until we all meet again. Smile
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  • The Poems of Nature Volume 1
    A poem book with poems about nature stating true facts in fun rhymes. You'll be learning and not even you won't even know it! I also have a volume 2 that I hope you will read…
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  • Mickey Gets His Wishes
    Mickey and Paddy find a magical lamp and make three wishes, resulting in a rain of hot dogs and bananas that overwhelms them. They learn the importance of moderation.
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  • The Story about McDonald's
    The story of how Ray Kroc founded McDonald's and turned it into a global fast food empire, exploring its impact on culture and lifestyle.
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