Fear Books

  • Terry and Fear
    This book is for children dealing with fear. Do not allow fear to stop you from doing great things in life and making right decisions. We must teach children to be bold and t…
    Eye Icon 96081
    Star Icon 2688
  • Who Fears the Dark?
    Synopsis: Everyone fears something! I stall bedtime because I fear the dark. But when I am all out of excuses, the lights go out.

    This is a story about overcoming fe…
    Eye Icon 889
    Star Icon 61
  • Little Bear goes to school
    A sweet, feel good story about a little bear who is afraid to go to school. With the love and support from mama bear, he learns he doesn’t have to be scared after all.
    Eye Icon 21297
    Star Icon 1135
  • The Brave Girl and Scared Monster
    Who's afraid of whom? Facing our fears can help us conquer them.
    Eye Icon 17969
    Star Icon 524
  • The Boy Who is Afraid of Water
    A charming story about a fish and a boy who is afraid of water.
    Eye Icon 13895
    Star Icon 231
  • There's A STRANGER In TOWN
    There's a stranger in town
    Is there something to fear

    Eye Icon 154
    Star Icon 6
  • Don't Fear Me ABC
    A rhyming alphabet book that introduces various animals, objects, and concepts with short descriptions.
    Eye Icon 1527
    Star Icon 67
  • Going to the Doctor
    Luke is nervous about going to the doctor for the first time, but with the help of his friends and their positive experiences, he overcomes his fear and realizes that it's no…
    Eye Icon 10844
    Star Icon 73
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