Greninja Books

  • Greninja's Life
    Jessie, James, and Meowth try to catch Greninja but fail. They end up in prison and are freed by Meowth. They plan to invade an island to capture Greninja.
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  • All About Pokemon
    A book about Pokemon, discussing moves, Mega Evolution, Ash Ketchum, evolution, and different types of Pokemon.
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  • pokemon starters and evilotions
    A list of Pokemon names, including their evolutions and trainers.
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  • Pokemon Starters
    In this book, you will see the Starter Pokemon from all Generations.
    (Besides Pikachu and Eevee.)
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  • Eli's Pokemon adventure,book 2
    A conversation between two Pokemon, Charmeleon and Frookie, about their evolutions and battles. They encounter a trainer and have a battle.
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  • ABC's of Pokemon
    I really like Pokemon. So here's a list of my from every letter. I hope you like it! Enjoy!
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  • Pokemon
    This is a Pokemon book with me finding my Pokemon family. There will be more of Lightbolt's adventures coming soon!
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  • pokemon regions
    A list of notable Pokémon from various regions, highlighting their names without context or narrative.
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