Holiday Project Books

  • Holiday greetings to project partners
    A collection of holiday greetings from different kindergartens in Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, and Turkey.
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  • Do You Know the Secret of ... ?
    A story about competitors who learn to be friends and teammates.
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  • A Piece Of Mind 180 Days of Mayhem
    This is a collection of students' personal narrative excerpts from their individual memoirs and their selective poems.
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  • Adventures of Abbey and Liza: What are Service Projects?
    Liza and Abbey discuss service projects and come up with ideas to help their community.
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  • Earth Day
    Johnny and Lucy learn about Earth Day from their mother and decide to take action to keep the Earth healthy and clean.
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  • Holiday in Zakynthos
    Group book created by students who attend the 6th grade. It was a project concerning GCE.
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  • Christmas poems
    This was a project i had for school
    10 poems, and decided to make it a book.Thank you for reading!
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  • eTwinning project
    A project where students from different countries exchange handmade Christmas cards to learn about each other's cultures and celebrate the holiday together.
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