Household Items Books

  • Loretta Lucille Llama Learns
    Loretta and Mr. B learn about the letter 'L' through fun facts, animals, foods, flowers, places, body items, household objects, and the word 'litter'.
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  • Household Items & Electric appliances
    Maky the coffee maker wakes up to find Blendy the blender causing a mess in the kitchen. Toasty the toaster scolds Blendy and teaches him a lesson about responsibility.
  • King Midas and the golden touch
    King Midas, a king who wished for everything he touched to turn into gold, learns the consequences of his wish and the importance of gratitude.
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  • The History of Warren
    the history of Warren, CT. Fourth grade students of Mrs. Woodington's class created this StoryJumper rich with information!
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  • A comparison between cell organelles and household items, explaining their functions and similarities.
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  • Strawberry DNA Extraction by: Lauren Hinojosa
    Strawberry Shortcake teaches how to extract DNA from a strawberry using simple steps and household items.
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  • Magnets In Our Everyday Life
    Peter explores the world to discover how magnets are used in everyday life, from household items to technology and transportation.
  • Sink or Float?
    A group of children conduct an experiment to determine which common household items float or sink, recording their predictions and findings.
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