Outdoors Books

  • Patty Peanut The Elephant
    Patty Peanut, a curious elephant, goes on an exciting camping adventure with the help of her friend Ruby Red Bird.
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  • Unplugged
    "Unplugged" is a book about a bear family that is not paying attention to their littlest member because everyone is too busy with their favorite technology. Discover what ha…
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  • Look At What Mathew is Missing
    Mathew is a little boy who spent most of his time playing games on the computer when he could be outside in the fresh air having a great time with all the children in the nei…
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  • Into the Great Outdoors
    Into the Great Outdoors is a story about Ivy, a little girl who loves to explore nature with her mum and dad. Together, they climb a mountain, walk through a forest, play in …
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    A family realizes they are watching too much TV and decides to have a week without it, discovering new activities and enjoying time together.
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  • Kendall the Cowgirl
    Kendall the Cowgirl is the story of a friendship between a Virginia teen and her beautiful horse, Buck! The two are the best of friends and their strong bond shines through i…
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  • hunting
    Alex's outdoor adventures include catching a deer, rabbit, and fish. After cooking and eating, Alex goes to sleep.
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  • Shadow's Outdoor Adventure
    Shadow, an indoor kitty, gets a chance to explore outside and meets new friends who warn him about the dangers. He returns home safely and appreciates being with his mom.
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