Persian Empire Books

  • The Persian Empire
    A brief overview of the rise and fall of the Persian Empire, including its art forms, trading, religious beliefs, and ultimate demise.
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  • Persian Pride
    This book provides an overview of the Persian Empire, its rulers, and their achievements.
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  • Battle of Marathon
    The story of Darius, the King of Persia, and his failed attempts to conquer Sparta and Athens.
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  • The Civilization of Persia
    A brief history of the Persian Empire, its rise to power, conquests, and cultural influences.
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  • Ancient Greece
    An informative book about ancient Greece, covering its geography, cities, wars, gods, philosophers, art, math, medicine, literature, Olympics, and legacy.
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  • Ancient Empire's
    This story provides a brief overview of the Persian Empire, Gupta Empire, Roman Empire, and Han Dynasty, highlighting key facts and events.
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    This book provides a brief overview of Alexander the Great's life, including his education, military conquests, and death.
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  • ABC's of History
    A brief overview of various historical figures, events, and concepts from Alexander the Great to Zoroastrianism.
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