Personal Reflection Books

  • Grey Castle Under The Sun
    A collection of poems and personal reflections by Gabriel Gorelik, covering various topics such as words, nature, identity, and happiness.
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  • Different Peel Same Apple
    A collection of personal reflections on the importance of inner beauty, diversity, empathy, and self-worth.
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  • Rich In Love
    A personal memoir about a Chinese refugee and immigrant experience, with family stories, historical context, and reflections on identity and resilience.
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  • Diary of a Pixelized Villager
    The story is about a villager named Smite, a student in Villageton. He navigates school, friendships, and competition, while learning skills like mining, trading, and farming…
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  • My Personal Reflection
    The narrator reflects on how their participation in a class called Comp and Culture A helped them grow as a writer and student.
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  • The Boy Who Brought the Light
    A collection of poems and personal reflections about motherhood, birth, and family.
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  • Life is like a chapter book
    A personal reflection on the importance of reading and the impact it had on the author's life, along with recommendations for favorite books and authors.
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  • Life Lessons For You
    A collection of inspirational and motivational quotes that encourage perseverance, humor, reflection, and personal growth.
    Eye Icon 57
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