Positivity Books

  • Up Down Smile Frown
    A book for children on feeling emotional ups and downs through the pandemic and finding healthy ways to cope. The book can help to get some great conversation going with kids…
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  • Octodot discovering Wonderland
    A professor gives his students a surprise test with just a black dot on the page. The students write about the dot, focusing on the negative instead of the white space. The p…
  • Aspiration
    The story is a collection of life lessons and motivational thoughts, encouraging readers to embrace their individuality, strive for their goals, and maintain a positive outlo…
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  • Mark's Memorable Year
    Mark, a second grader, faces bullying but finds friendship and support from Angie. Together, they confront the bully and spread positivity.
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  • The beginning
    Two girls learn to embrace music and positivity, realizing that every ending is a new beginning.
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  • ABC's of Me!
    A list of positive adjectives from A to Z, describing the narrator's qualities and feelings.
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  • Positivity is Key
    Hailey and Jasmine face frustration in their first tennis match but learn the importance of positivity and go on to win all their games.
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