My Published Books (1)

My Public / Unpublished Books (30)

  • The continued story of 'To Stop, And Not To Stop.' Enjoy!
    by Lena Ge
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  • This is the continued story of my previous book: Planet Of Soranas. I hope you'll like this! Enjoy!
    by Lena Ge
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  • by Lena Ge
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  • This will probably be my first and last FACE REEEEVVVEEEAAALLL!!!!
    by Lena Ge
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  • Buzz! A poem!
    by Lena Ge
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  • This story is about a brave dog, Alex, who (and Jimmy) saved a women's life. I wrote this book because of my love of dogs and animals. Dogs are great animals that have served us for years and years. I think it is time we served them as well. Adopt a dog today, and save lives!
    by Lena Ge
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  • by Lena Ge
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  • i got wonder women again
    by Lena Ge
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  • by Lena Ge
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  • by Lena Ge
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  • Figure out the secret code! If you do, you get to be in my Shout outs book!
    by Lena Ge
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  • by Lena Ge
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  • A choose-your-own-adventure story where the reader wakes up in a forest with a tiger and must make decisions to survive and find their way home.
    by Lena Ge
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    by Lena Ge
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  • The three orphan friends found out that they were goddesses! They go on a dangerous adventure to save their city...
    by Lena Ge
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  • Alisha's dog, Howlite, surprises her with a litter of puppies. She decides to keep two and give the rest away. Alisha and her dogs live happily ever after.
    by Lena Ge
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  • A list of positive adjectives from A to Z, describing the narrator's qualities and feelings.
    by Lena Ge
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  • Some encouragement for people to believe in themselves, to believe that they can do ANYTHING!!!
    by Lena Ge
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  • A little witch named Missy Ila B. travels to NYC and encounters a problem with an apple core on the floor. Her friend Sue helps her fix it.
    by Lena Ge
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  • A monster terrorizes a village, but the king and villagers come up with clever strategies to defeat it and live in peace.
    by Lena Ge
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  • Roberta learns to overcome her fears with the help of new friends, Kindness and Generosity.
    by Lena Ge
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  • Lavender and her friends, Cassandra, Mikey and Jim, are trying to find the DRAGON STONE, to stop conflict in the village. Find out what happens!
    by Lena Ge
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  • Princess Sarah spots a poster with the words WANTED on it. She decides to try and capture the thief...
    by Lena Ge
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  • This story is about a little girl named Hailey who found a kingdom called Cloud Kingdom. It is a place where Pegasus and Unicorns live peacefully and roam wildly. Hailey ends up being friends with a Unicorn named Madam Grafoli and a pegasus named Law. Will her new friends help her get back to her sisters? Read this book and find out!
    by Lena Ge
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  • Sally, the sneaky cat is about a cat who is naughty and sneaky, but nice and warm at heart. This is a short story about Sally wanting to get a bit of milk, but ends up in a mess. Enjoy this fun book for beginners! Read it to your children and see them laugh and enjoy every turn of a page. Every page you turn, will lead you to a new adventure! Enjoy!
    by Lena Ge
    Eye Icon 41
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My Collection - "My (Almost or are) published books" Follow Collection

  • Stuffed-animal Adventures Coronavirus Edition
    by Lena Ge

My Collection - "Choose your own adventure/Which are you" Follow Collection


My Collection - "How To Deal With Emotions" Follow Collection


My Collection - "Books I love and made!" Follow Collection


My Collection - "Fantasy" Follow Collection


My Collection - "Pets " Follow Collection


My Collection - "Books I Like" Follow Collection

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