Puppies Books

  • Snowball
    Cute story about a family's new puppy and his mischievous ways of avoiding a bath. Fun story-line and wonderful illustrations for all dog lovers. Story written by A'Jsha Jo…
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  • The Rescue
    A lonely dog who lives on the street has no friend. Not until he meets a friend. Learn what happens in this story, and discover the LOVE of Jesus Christ for all of us.
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    This is a collection of dog jokes that will tickle your funny bone.
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  • The pigeon wants a puppy
    A pigeon wants a puppy but changes its mind when it sees one. It then decides it wants a walrus instead.
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  • Winkle did a wee
    A cute little puppy with toilet training issues. Not at all loosely based on a puppy I might know
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  • Save the Puppies
    Rayne E. Miller has a love for endangered puppies. She created her book to address the need to rescue homeless puppies.
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  • Polly's Puppy Problem
    This is a book about a young Husky named Polly. She has to overcome a challenge in life and learn something new. Can she do it with the help of her friends and family?
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  • Lady, the Puppy, and the Platypus
    This storybook teaches children to be socially tolerant and inclusive. It teaches that prejudice is wrong and encourages children to stand against it. This book is aligned wi…
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