Resources Books

    The story provides information about different types of resources, their uses, problems, and possible solutions.
    Eye Icon 7174
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  • EARTH DAY: Doing Our Part
    This is an educational book about environmental conservation. Each letter of the alphabet introduces a different concept related to the environment, from air quality to zero …
    Eye Icon 56528
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  • Renewable Energy
    An informative book that explains what renewable resources are, the six main types of renewable resources, and why we should use them.
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  • The Distribution of Natural Resources
    An informative book about natural resources, renewable and non-renewable energy, and ways to conserve energy and preserve the environment.
    Eye Icon 546
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  • 4th Grade
    This book explores the effects of human activities on the environment, including pollution from vehicles and factories, and the importance of recycling and using renewable re…
    Eye Icon 36844
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  • Natural Resources
    Arnold learns about natural resources, their types, and how they are used in everyday life. He also explores recycling and encourages readers to be mindful of resource usage.
    Eye Icon 167
  • The Legend of Rock Paper Scissors
    A story about the origins of rock paper scissors, where three kingdoms go to war over stolen resources until a sorcerer intervenes and creates the game as a tiebreaker.
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  • My Super Duper Design Book
    A student discusses their various design projects and the resources they used to create them.
    Eye Icon 65
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