Royalty Books

  • Tiny's Big Journey
    After being rescued from a hole, Tiny, a Loggerhead Sea Turtle hatchling, struggles to find the perfect habitat-one with all of her basic needs.
    This book will help intro…
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    When Princess Skyler meets Prince Robert they become fast friends. Their friendship deepens during their adventures, and eventually leads to true love.

    A lovely s…
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  • The King Of Hearts
    This is a biography with a twist.... a fairy tale. This is a short story of my father-in-law's life. It is told for all children to enjoy. All through this book you will fi…
    Eye Icon 2012
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    Granddaughter Jillian will soon be having a surgery to enable her to walk. It will be a long recovery and she will be hospitalized for 6 to 8 weeks. She will also be separate…
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  • The King Who Loves to Sing
    Joseph is a king who loves to sing even though many people do not like to hear his voice. He pushes past the hurt and continues to do what he loves the most…singing.
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  • Once Upon a Time ... A Real-Life Fairy Tale
    Through a series of chance events, a young princess born in 1926 becomes a queen. Her reign of 70 years (and counting) is the second longest of any ruler in the history of th…
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  • The Missing Crown
    When a special crown that belongs to the king goes missing, the queen must find the thief before the king gets home, and before the queen gets thrown in the dungeon!
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  • The Snow Queen
    The Snow Queen is a story about a queen who wants something impossible and manages to get it. Milly (6) and Grandma (74) made it together.
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