Self-awareness Books

  • Colors of Feelings
    A story that teaches children about different emotions and how to handle them in a positive way.
    Eye Icon 5198
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  • The colour monster
    The Colour Monster learns to identify and manage his emotions by separating them into different jars.
    Eye Icon 2725
    Star Icon 82
  • How are you feeling today?
    Ana explores her different feelings and asks the reader how they are feeling today.
    Eye Icon 1069
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  • Understanding My Emotions
    Guadalupe learns about emotions and how they affect us through a conversation with her mom.
    Eye Icon 109
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  • What I like about myself
    A child expresses appreciation for different body parts and their functions.
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  • Colors Of Emotions
    A colorful exploration of emotions and their meanings, with a message about resilience and embracing both joy and sadness.
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    The story explores different emotions and how they can be triggered by various situations.
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  • Mimi the mystery of the paw print
    Mimi finds a paw print and realizes it's her own. She takes a photo and giggles.
    Eye Icon 45
    Star Icon 6
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