Setting Books

  • The Land of Lego Stories
    This collection of stories revolves around children's adventures in various settings such as a museum, an abandoned house, and space. The narratives are filled with suspense,…
  • Alliterative Alphabet of School
    A collection of sentences featuring alliteration and alphabetical order, showcasing various activities and characters in a school setting.
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  • Nursing Theories in Clinical Settings
    Three chapters introduce nursing theories and their application in patient care, focusing on transcultural nursing, maternal role attainment, and caring theory.
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  • Gacha Life
    A group of students give examples of different exponent laws in a classroom setting.
    Eye Icon 2018
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  • The Lost Baby Chick
    A baby chick named Polly gets lost in New York City and enlists the help of a blue mouse, green frog, and spiky lizard to find her mom.
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  • Setting My Goals
    A teacher outlines their goals to mentor children, improve their classroom with technology, and encourage students to create innovative projects.
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  • Finding My Voice Autism Through My Eyes
    Learn about autism through the eyes of a middle school child who lives with it day to day.
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  • Pippy and the Stereotype
    Pippy, a tomboy, faces challenges when she wants to join the school baseball team. With determination and support from her friends, she proves that girls can play baseball to…
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