Transgender Books

  • How Anne Made a Difference
    Anne and Logan are going to a new school. They are best friends! Logan is transgendered and Anne needs to help Logan feel comfortable.
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  • What Does It Mean To Be Transgender?
    An informative and supportive book that explains what it means to be transgender, emphasizing self-acceptance and understanding. It provides resources for transgender youth a…
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  • From Quincy to Quinn
    Quincy, a transgender girl, faces challenges and discrimination at school but finds support from her parents, friends, and community.
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  • Are You My Brother? : Growing Up Transgender
    A heartwarming story about a sibling's journey of self-discovery and acceptance, despite societal norms and prejudices.
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  • Mom is Dada?
    A young boy navigates his mother's transition to becoming transgender, facing challenges at school but ultimately finding acceptance and love within his family.
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  • His Name Is Sally
    Billy, a boy who wants to wear dresses and be called Sally, faces bullying but finds support from parents and becomes confident as Sally.
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  • Bob the want to be girl.....
    Bob, who wants to be a girl, faces cyberbullying and personal challenges. With determination, Bob overcomes obstacles and becomes Jennifer.
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  • Patti Finds Her Place
    Patti, a transgender girl, moves to a new town and faces challenges fitting in. With support from her parents and a new friend, she finds acceptance and happiness.
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