My Published Books (5)

  • A girl slowly discovers she is turning into a mudskipper. This book teaches children about the attributes of the mudskipper in a fun way.
    by Aneedaj
    Eye Icon 37
    Star Icon 5
  • A little girl teaches her stuffed animal how not to be stubborn.
    by Aneedaj
    Eye Icon 40
    Star Icon 1
  • Kyle, a young baseball enthusiast, learns about the different meanings of 'kind' and decides to practice kindness every day. He explores various ways to be kind and realizes that kindness brings people together and can be contagious.
    by Aneedaj
    Eye Icon 34
  • A little girl who lives dogs goes on an adventure. Best for children 4-7.
    by Aneedaj
    Eye Icon 109
    Star Icon 5
  • This is a book about how to develop empathy for kids 6-10 in an engaging format
    by Aneedaj
    Eye Icon 256
    Star Icon 4

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