My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • Thanks for the wait!
    After saving the world, our heroes were invited to Dinosaur World! But it was about to be hijacked! Seems like they can never take a rest!
    by Ashath
  • A bunch of random people appear from weird portals and the FBI arrest them for no reason! Can these people prove they are willing to help the people around them? Or will they stay in jail FOREVER? (Note: this is still a work in progress. i still have to add the remaining audio records and stuff)
    by Ashath
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  • The random superhero's go on a vacation
    by Ashath
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  • A collection of dinosaur jokes that will make kids laugh and learn about different types of dinosaurs.
    by Ashath
    Eye Icon 17
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My Collection - "Random Superheroes" Follow Collection

  • The-Not-Totally-A-Trap island Part 1
    by Ashath

My Collection - "Books I Like" Follow Collection

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