My Public / Unpublished Books (3)

  • This diary was found in an abandoned castle in Batchelor (Second Life), amongst other books and diaries. We don't know exactly what happened to this princess and her friend Guillaume, we're trying to find more books and writings in the area to see what happened. I'm afraid there is some tragic destiny involved... but everything is possible in Second Life so I still hope to be able to find this princess and Guillaume.
    by CommunicateCWYT
    Eye Icon 166
  • Wordless book to work in class: pictures of the movie Wizard of Oz. By María Concepción Pomar Rosselló
    by CommunicateCWYT
    Eye Icon 541
    Star Icon 10
  • A story for preschoolers learning English as a second language. An activity meant to be taught according to the CLIL methodology. A simple short story about a pine seed growing up.
    by CommunicateCWYT
    Eye Icon 288
    Star Icon 3

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