My Published Books (4)

  • Grumpy Bear and his friends encounter a group of strange creatures in the forest, get captured by them, and escape with the help of a skeleton. They become friends and plan to hang out again.
    by Wesley & Elliott Robbins
    Eye Icon 11
    Star Icon 1
  • Grumpy Bear and his friends embark on an adventure to The Neverending Forest, encountering magical creatures and a portal. They find their missing friend and have a humorous ending.
    by Wesley & Elliott Robbins
    Eye Icon 45
    Star Icon 3
  • Granny and Poppy, with their magical powers, attend the Festival of Magical Creatures. Mia the cat is chosen to become a Phoenix.
    by Wesley & Elliott Robbins
    Eye Icon 17
  • Max, Debbie, and their dinosaur friends Sygon and Multigon must rescue Max and Debbie from the evil Rosco and his hypnotized guards.
    by Wesley & Elliott Robbins
    Eye Icon 26

My Public / Unpublished Books (2)

My Collection - "Granny's stories" Follow Collection


My Collection - "Books I Like" Follow Collection

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