My Published Books (3)

  • Acorn and Nut, two woodland creatures, discover that the constant rain is actually Mother Earth's tears. They embark on a global journey to find a solution, eventually enlisting the help of soccer stars Messi and Ronaldo to spread their message during the World Cup. The world responds positively, cleaning up the environment.
    by JackieHolmes
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  • Acorn and Nut are chosen to decorate the Enchanted Forest for Christmas. They collect decorations from their friends, but they're stolen by outcast animals. With help from Super Puppy, they retrieve the decorations and invite the outcasts to join the party.
    by JackieHolmes
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  • Acorn and Nut are two curious little squirrels who find themselves on a journey through time and around the world , being helped my many friends along the way. The meaning of their journey is unclear to them until they meet Santa and he explains all!!!
    by JackieHolmes
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