My Public / Unpublished Books (3)

  • In a life a of heros and villains, a boy by the name Chad he will become something..... more then a hero or villian.
    by Lichking245
    Eye Icon 19
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  • As the Galaxy is under fear of the First Order, the Resistance is attempting to find Luke Skywalker and his son Tron. A Resistance gets help from the two most feared Bounty hunters Nightshade and Dexture. Is there is help in the Galaxy?
    by Lichking245
    Eye Icon 407
    Star Icon 22
  • A young Assassin named Shay Patrick Cormac betrays his Brotherhood and joins the Templars, leading to a war between the two factions.
    by Lichking245
    Eye Icon 82
    Star Icon 3

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