My Public / Unpublished Books (8)

  • Sofie, a girl who becomes a superhero, teams up with another hero to defeat Angelica and her partner. They use teamwork to win.
    by MJSheils
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  • A dog named James gets lost but is eventually found by his owner at the beach.
    by MJSheils
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  • by MJSheils
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  • Luna, an ice cream cone, goes to camp and makes a new friend, Lyla. They participate in activities and learn about the Spoon Witch.
    by MJSheils
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  • by MJSheils
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  • Dinosaurs and aliens have a conflict, plan revenge, but eventually learn to forgive and become friends.
    by MJSheils
    Eye Icon 11
  • by MJSheils
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  • by MJSheils
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