My Public / Unpublished Books (7)

  • This is a book for LOL surprise lovers. I am 11 years old and love LOLs — all the LOLs in pictures are mine! Please check out my other books!
    by Maggie Sue
    Eye Icon 464
    Star Icon 25
  • The girls prank peepsoles as they buy Pink Delish. But what they didn't know is that it was Ooy Gooy Lu Lu, the sourest drink in the world.
    by Maggie Sue
    Eye Icon 66
    Star Icon 4
  • This is about a Black cat who doesn't fit in.
    by Maggie Sue
    Eye Icon 68
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  • The adventures of the Spirit Pets: Stella, Cookie Dough, Zed, and Addison
    by Maggie Sue
    Eye Icon 17
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  • Louise just opened her toy shop when she discovered a surprise.
    by Maggie Sue
    Eye Icon 44
    Star Icon 3
  • This is another story from Louise! I am 10 years old. This is a story for St. Patrick's Day! The story is told by Sugar Queen:L.O.L. surprise.
    by Maggie Sue
    Eye Icon 20
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  • Super Oliver and his animal friends form a superhero team to fight bad guys, including Aunt Ruth. They celebrate their victory but Aunt Ruth plans revenge.
    by Maggie Sue
    Eye Icon 29
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