My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • Termoli is a town in Italy with a rich history and beautiful coastal views. It has a strong fishing and port industry and is known for its seafood. The town also has several legends and traditions that are celebrated throughout the year. Come visit Termoli and experience its unique charm!
    by Mariaconcetta73
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  • Students participating in an eTwinning project write a chain story about gods and goddesses from ancient Egypt embarking on an adventure to find a valuable object hidden within a mysterious papyrus. They encounter challenges and receive help from various Egyptian deities along the way.
    by Mariaconcetta73
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  • A collection of activities and greetings from various schools around the world, including Italy, Hungary, Turkey, Romania, and more.
    by Mariaconcetta73
    Eye Icon 550
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  • Science Experiences
    by Mariaconcetta73
    Eye Icon 59
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