My Published Books (3)

  • Scared of the things that may hide in the darkness of your room? Read this book to find out what monsters are scared of!
    by Marie 6897
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  • This book was inspired by a trip I took to third man records in Detroit for my mom's birthday. Some affected areas in Detroit (that flood) Are ones like: Interstate 94 (1-94)…
    by Marie 6897
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  • Oscar, a black and white puppy, embarks on a journey to meet his father in a faraway land. He learns about different cultures and traditions, and upon returning home, he uses…
    by Marie 6897
    Eye Icon 92

My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • In this heartwarming story, 2 friends start to float apart. How do they restore their "former-friendship"? How do they abandon being "FRENEMIES?"
    by Marie 6897
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  • This book is dedicated to falling asleep! So settle in, and get comfy, with a book that you'll keep!
    by Marie 6897
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  • This book is the beginning of a series called stories to creep you out of your pants. When I created this series, I had an original idea, to make specific things happen. But …
    by Marie 6897
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  • Johny and Johnathan find out there are alien rebels in space, and with the help of Commander doo doo head they deafet the aliens
    by Marie 6897
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  • A story about a farm, inspired by my cousins. I have 4 cousins and they all helped to inspire this book. The idea of a farm also came from them, because they own one. I hope …
    by Marie 6897
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  • Rose celebrates her birthday by going to the Long Vowel Fair and learning about long vowel sounds.
    by Marie 6897
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