My Published Books (9)

  • A group of soldiers embark on a mission to capture and study an alien species called the Vogetians. They face challenges and engage in a battle with the Vogetians.
    by MaxMann
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  • by MaxMann
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  • by MaxMann
    Eye Icon 13
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  • by MaxMann
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  • A list of various gemstones and their prices, highlighting the differences in value.
    by MaxMann
    Eye Icon 19
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  • by MaxMann
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  • powers is for powerful people that deserve it
    by MaxMann
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  • Chill egg its a egg who lived in Chillarica. But he was kidnapped, but he was lucky, the green screen police arrested the kidnappers.
    by MaxMann
    Eye Icon 135
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  • flags are always the power for the country, a flag with no emblems, no colors, that means its nothing!
    by MaxMann
    Eye Icon 76
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My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • As a scientist working in a top secret research facility that contains deadly anomalies, Dr. Elbertson grows tired of it, and decides to release every anomaly there, but it turns for the worse.
    by MaxMann
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  • The part 5, of chaos, destruction, and war. After the war of other nations, the Vogetians stepped into the battles and chaos, trying to make it worse for planet Earth.
    by MaxMann
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  • elite special forces are underhanded by the government, and also top secret
    by MaxMann
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  • Do planets have faces? Or its just a dream? NASA was trying to find out where does planets get faces?
    by MaxMann
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  • Parrot Charlie, is a parrot who lived in jungle, but he was attacked by Indians. But one monkey saved this parrot.
    by MaxMann
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