My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • A cookbook with healthy meal ideas for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.
    by Milica Andonovic
    Eye Icon 64
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  • A description of a school and its values, written by its students.
    by Milica Andonovic
    Eye Icon 10
  • A collection of recipes from different countries, including Serbian, Catalan, Ukrainian, Italian, Turkish, and Polish cuisine.
    by Milica Andonovic
    Eye Icon 262
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  • A collection of short poems about animals and a dog named Luke, written by elementary school students from different countries.
    by Milica Andonovic
    Eye Icon 156
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  • Odyssey, named after a Greek God, goes on an adventure to find a hidden treasure. Along the way, he encounters a sea monster, a mermaid, and explores different countries. He learns about the value of love, friendship, kindness, and generosity.
    by Milica Andonovic
    Eye Icon 425
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  • A description of the town of Pirot, its history, landmarks, schools, industries, and recreational activities.
    by Milica Andonovic
    Eye Icon 251
    Star Icon 1

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