My Public / Unpublished Books (20)

  • A short and simple poem about various things starting with the letter 'T'.
    by MrsCottom
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  • A shared writing activity with my ESE-communication Pre-K class.
    by MrsCottom
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  • Our first shared writing activity.
    by MrsCottom
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  • by MrsCottom
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  • A book about Z and animals.
    by MrsCottom
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  • Letter B focus
    by MrsCottom
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  • A book about the letter y.
    by MrsCottom
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  • A playful and educational alphabet poem that explores different words starting with the letter 'W', from water to wind to web.
    by MrsCottom
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  • A series of questions and answers about different animals and their ability to jump.
    by MrsCottom
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  • A lonely kitten goes on a walk and finds new friends, including a koala, kangaroo, and a kid named Kenny. They all become friends and fly a kite together.
    by MrsCottom
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  • Lilly enjoys various activities, including licking lollipops, lying with lambs, looking at lions, leaning on leopards, and lifting lizards. However, her favorite thing is listening to laughing lemurs.
    by MrsCottom
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  • Harry the hippo is hungry and asks his friends for food, but they don't hear him. He gets angry and hollers, so his friends bring him food and teach him to ask politely.
    by MrsCottom
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  • Dingo, a dog with spots, lives in the desert. He sees a deer drinking water and they drink together.
    by MrsCottom
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  • A letter F rhyming book
    by MrsCottom
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  • An alphabet book that introduces colors and objects starting with the letter C.
    by MrsCottom
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  • Nicky experiences different emotions and learns how to cope with them. The story ends with a question about finding things that start with the letter 'N'.
    by MrsCottom
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  • Gus the goat goes on various adventures, encountering different things that start with the letter Gg.
    by MrsCottom
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  • Sammy, a silly snake, loves the sun, sand, suckers, sombreros, sunglasses, and sneakers. But snakes can't wear sneakers, making Sammy even sillier!
    by MrsCottom
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  • A rabbit runs through various obstacles and encounters different animals.
    by MrsCottom
    Eye Icon 22
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