My Public / Unpublished Books (3)

  • Snow White and Cinderella, unhappy with their stories, decide to switch places. Snow White proves her cleverness by navigating Cinderella's challenges, while Cinderella shows her bravery in Snow White's world. They succeed, proving they can rewrite their own stories.
    by NEHSProject2017
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  • Ulric Wulf, also known as the Big Bad Wolf, works for S.A.F.E. in Storybrook City. He deals with various fairytale characters and their problems, including the Pig brothers who refuse to adhere to housing standards. A windstorm destroys their houses, forcing them to move in with their brother Stanley.
    by NEHSProject2017
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  • Rita, a hardworking mother, is forced to leave her children, Carlos and Lola, with their cruel aunt Sarah due to financial struggles. The children escape from Sarah's clutches, discover a treasure, and return home to their mother.
    by NEHSProject2017
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