My Published Books (1)

  • Mirror of Doom : This story is about a group of friends who went for a hike and found an adventure.
    by Adhira Meenakshisankar
    Eye Icon 240
    Star Icon 20

My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • A conversation between a dinosaur and a character named Chicki, where the dinosaur tries to prove its identity by stomping and roaring.
    by Adhira Meenakshisankar
    Eye Icon 46
    Star Icon 3
  • Story about how easy to make friends
    by Adhira Meenakshisankar
    Eye Icon 37
    Star Icon 2
  • Elisa, Emily, Sarah, Simon, and Jack embark on an adventure to solve a riddle and defeat an evil wizard. With the help of their great-grandma's story and clues, they find a hidden forest, a statue, and a star that traps the wizard. They outsmart his appre
    by Adhira Meenakshisankar
    Eye Icon 74
    Star Icon 7
  • Tiger didn’t like his stripes and was unhappy. Did he lose his stripes or found peace?
    by Adhira Meenakshisankar
    Eye Icon 89
    Star Icon 3
  • What would you do when you wake up and see the world is upside down?
    by Adhira Meenakshisankar
    Eye Icon 103

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