My Public / Unpublished Books (12)

  • Casey and her friends navigate cultural differences, mean girls, and leadership struggles in their cheerleading squad.
    by Taylortwins2
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  • A small town is terrorized by a giant monster, but with the help of a baby named Baby Girl, they come up with a plan to defeat it.
    by Taylortwins2
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  • Sheila is an orphan and her life is very sad until a magic fairy gives her wings
    by Taylortwins2
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  • Space sisters Unite! Two sisters are separated an taken into space. It is not until they are teens until they realize they are sisters, but their "moms" are at war. how can they be sisters if their moms are trying to kill each other?
    by Taylortwins2
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  • Have you ever wanted wing? Well you probably don't want them a s much as Gigi, an orphan.
    by Taylortwins2
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  • This book is about a girl who hated everything until a magic girl gave her a visit.
    by Taylortwins2
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  • Cece is visiting Lilly at her mothers farm at You Tube, but she gets stuck babysitting Lilly's mean, bossy, little sister Cara. What trouble will Cece run in2 with this kid?
    by Taylortwins2
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  • Cece is back again! and is traveling 2 You Tube 2 meet her friends Lilly & Phoebe. What adventures will she go on this time?
    by Taylortwins2
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  • Cece's 1st adventure! Cece's class will b staring in their favorite video games 4 their 1st time! Cece is very excited. Join Cece & her friend in their own internet life. =)
    by Taylortwins2
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  • Have you ever wondered what life would be like living inside of a computer? Well, Cece knows because she does! This mini book will tell you about Cece and her friends and family. The actual book will be coming out soon.
    by Taylortwins2
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  • A child describes what they see in a park, including people, a painted wall, downtown, a city square, a street, a river, and colorful balloons.
    by Taylortwins2
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  • Penny R. Kings men is almost a 4rth grader. Her mom signs her up for soccer. The problem is the big game is the next day and she hardly knows how to play! Penny gets into troubles all leading up to the BIG GAME.
    by Taylortwins2
    Eye Icon 13
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