My Published Books (6)

  • This is a story about a puppy in training to become a service dog.
    by Nicole Cilley
    Eye Icon 57
  • A group of therapy dogs and children bond over reading, sharing poems, and discussing their favorite books.
    by Nicole Cilley
    Eye Icon 41
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  • A group of children in a summer school class read to different dogs, including Briskke, a Norwegian Elkhound. The story highlights their interactions and love for reading.
    by Nicole Cilley
    Eye Icon 74
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  • A group of friends celebrate Jake's birthday and share their love for reading and playing sports.
    by Nicole Cilley
    Eye Icon 86
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  • A group of children express their love for Bella, a fluffy and attentive dog, while discussing books and reading.
    by Nicole Cilley
    Eye Icon 31
  • This story was created by our Reading to
    Rover summer school class as a thank you to one of our dogs Dundee and his handler Ruby.
    by Nicole Cilley
    Eye Icon 17
    Star Icon 1

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