My Public / Unpublished Books (15)

  • HI EVERYBODY! UPDATE FROM 10-22-22! i will be making an update soon wether it be in 2022 or early 2023! tyty!
    by Noor Dib
    Eye Icon 605
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  • This isn't all that scary, But is a little spooky C; Perfect for Elementary Students To Middle Schoolers. Make sure to read the note on dedication page! (THIRD STORY ISN'T AIMED AT ANYONE BELOW 3RD GRADE) ***New updated version has chill beats to listen to while reading! Its optional! I worked very hard to make this book, and i will continue to do so until i have 100 Pages! :) I Hope you guys check out my ther books! I have a big selection! From books for younger kids, And Chapter books for older kids! I am constantly making updates, So come check every week! Enjoy, And thanks for reading! I own all the music! ))
    by Noor Dib
    Eye Icon 777
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  • Emily and Claudia are best friends until Emily gets jealous of Claudia's neon unicorn and tries to scam her. Emily regrets her actions and learns a lesson.
    by Noor Dib
    Eye Icon 104
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  • A story about a grape and cheese who fall in love, get married, have a daughter, and face challenges of acceptance and friendship.
    by Noor Dib
    Eye Icon 163
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  • A guide to understanding and drawing kawaii characters, with quizzes and assignments for readers.
    by Noor Dib
    Eye Icon 222
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  • Based on the anime and manga.
    12+ only!
    by Noor Dib
    Eye Icon 71
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  • How to make fluffy slime! There is a suprise you can do after reading the actual recipe! read to find out!
    by Noor Dib
    Eye Icon 141
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  • This book is supposed to help kids understand Black lives matter, In a cartoon way! With a song, Jokes, a Chat with friends, and much more! A fun book to read, Even if the kid reading already knowes the meaning of black lives matter!
    by Noor Dib
    Eye Icon 141
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  • Annie, a girl who is shorter than her peers, faces bullying at a princess school. Her friends comfort her and they continue with their day.
    by Noor Dib
    Eye Icon 62
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  • A child's guide to overcoming fear of the dentist and maintaining good oral hygiene.
    by Noor Dib
    Eye Icon 68
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  • Lyrics of loved songs, Including the actual songs. Taking Requests for different Songs / Beats
    by Noor Dib
    Eye Icon 169
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  • Hi guys! This is another Scary Stories book lol, Winter edition
    by Noor Dib
    Eye Icon 94
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  • Hope you love it! :D Make sure to check out all my other awesome books!
    by Noor Dib
    Eye Icon 53
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  • Orange flower is a book for your younger siblings (Srry its weird :D)
    by Noor Dib
    Eye Icon 50
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