Hi dudes, it's me again! Have you read part one, two, three and four? don't worry if you can't find them- in every part I say what happend before. PLS like and comment!
Peter Parker becomes Spider-Man and faces the villain Venom. With Iron Man's help, they battle Venom, leading to a dramatic conclusion. Will Spider-Man prevail?
The Avengers battle Green Goblin to save the world. With teamwork, they use their powers to defeat him, but a new challenge awaits in the next adventure.
Spider-Man and the Avengers unite to face Venom, who returns to wreak havoc. They create a powerful weapon but face unexpected challenges. Will they defeat Venom once and for all?
In a city of silence, chaos erupts with a criminal's antics. Hero Carso battles the villain to restore peace, teaching a lesson about intelligence and crime.
A girl and boy compete in a Roblox squid game challenge, risking their phones and cupcakes. The girl wins, but the boy has a surprise plan for her cupcakes!
Wonder Woman finds the Avengers turned into Venoms and creates a potion to save them, but a villain appears just as they return to normal, leading to a new chase.