My Published Books (2)

  • I know this is a weird book. I made it for my little cousin. She isn't potty trained.
    by Ava Scinta
    Eye Icon 270
    Star Icon 26
  • This is a book about a young girl who makes a mistake. In the end she does the right thing.
    by Ava Scinta
    Eye Icon 349
    Star Icon 17

My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • Emma and Andrew build a tree house, have an unexpected visitor, and gain a new pet owl. They enjoy their time in the tree house.
    by Ava Scinta
    Eye Icon 74
    Star Icon 7
  • Labrador Retrievers are smart, friendly dogs that make good pets. They have various traits and can be different sizes and colors. They originated from Newfoundland, Canada and are still used as service and guide dogs.
    by Ava Scinta
    Eye Icon 89
    Star Icon 6
  • Zoe has cancer. It's hard for her to imagine life without it. Will Zoe beat cancer or will cancer beat her?
    by Ava Scinta
    Eye Icon 146
    Star Icon 24
  • This book is about a dog who is lost. Does he ever get found? Find out in this short story.
    by Ava Scinta
    Eye Icon 316
    Star Icon 6
  • This is a book about a princess who has everything, but a friend.
    by Ava Scinta
    Eye Icon 97
    Star Icon 11

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