My Published Books (7)

  • Mary the Lamb and the little red apple
    by Abigail Aldridge
    Eye Icon 41
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  • Mary and Blackie go on an adventure to find the fairies' treasure at the end of a rainbow. They meet Annabelle, a fairy who guards the treasure, and learn about the magic of rainbows.
    by Abigail Aldridge
    Eye Icon 45
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  • Mary the Lamb helps a homeless white kitten find a home with Matilda, a good witch. The story emphasizes the importance of kindness and helping others.
    by Abigail Aldridge
    Eye Icon 31
  • On Christmas Eve, Mary helps Santa's top man, Tip, find a lost sack of toys. With the help of Matilda the good witch, they save Christmas for the village children.
    by Abigail Aldridge
    Eye Icon 50
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  • Mary helps solve a noise problem between ducks and frogs by leading them to a wheat field with a scarecrow. The birds are scared away, and peace is restored.
    by Abigail Aldridge
    Eye Icon 82
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  • Mary the Lamb has an adventure when she gets blown away on a kite and meets an inventor who helps her return home.
    by Abigail Aldridge
    Eye Icon 73
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  • Mary the Lamb experiences a snowy day in Buttercup Meadow, builds a snowman with the village children, and meets a magical snowman named Simon.
    by Abigail Aldridge
    Eye Icon 151
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