My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • Jane, a new girl in the neighborhood, makes a friend named Liz. Liz takes Jane to an old cottage that some people say is haunted.
    by ahmetmaster
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  • A boy named Phil loves the ocean but encounters a talking shark that scares him. He escapes on a surfboard and returns home, vowing never to swim in that ocean again.
    by ahmetmaster
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  • A robot family visits Earth but struggles to adapt. They eventually return to Mars, where the robot makes friends.
    by ahmetmaster
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  • A girl named Clara is obsessed with her mirror and neglects her family and neighbors. A fairy takes her to a magical forest where she sees the consequences of her actions. She learns to help her family and not be self-centered.
    by ahmetmaster
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  • A poor boy named Tom discovers a castle and befriends the prince, leading to a life-changing experience.
    by ahmetmaster
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  • A boy named Jack is kidnapped by a wolf but manages to escape and return to his village.
    by ahmetmaster
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