My Public / Unpublished Books (14)

  • Sally discovers her paint brush is stolen by a goblin. After a brave journey to retrieve it, she learns the goblin just wanted to paint too, leading to a thoughtful gift for him.
    by RUby cat 606
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  • Read this book to find out all about the magical animals of Sapphire forest!
    by RUby cat 606
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  • A poetic encouragement for personal growth and self-discovery, comparing the journey to a flower blooming and a leaf falling, emphasizing the importance of being oneself.
    by RUby cat 606
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  • This story is about a lion who doesn't quit fit in because of his wings. Read the book to find out how he comes up with a solution.
    by RUby cat 606
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  • Look at all the exiting pictures in this book and don't worry there are no words in this book!
    by RUby cat 606
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  • Discover which cat personality matches you based on your traits and preferences, from being kind and creative to loving food and friends.
    by RUby cat 606
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  • a chicken
    by RUby cat 606
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  • go on an adventure with this robot and face every challenge with bravery
    by RUby cat 606
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  • by RUby cat 606
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  • A mother elephant and her calf make a deal with a tiger to avoid being eaten, but a clever rabbit helps them escape.
    by RUby cat 606
  • A boy is kidnapped by pirates but manages to escape and return home.
    by RUby cat 606
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  • A story about a dog named Bigs who is cute, lovable, and funny. It describes his daily activities, size, and how he got his name.
    by RUby cat 606
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  • Finn, a vegetarian shark, faces bullying from other sharks. He discovers he has powers and saves his friends.
    by RUby cat 606
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  • by RUby cat 606
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