My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • Frosty, a snowman, and his friends organize a festival in Christmas town. They search for the missing old cloud and tell stories to make him happy. The festival ends with a magical snowfall.
    by anabelaguiarprof
    Eye Icon 633
  • Tommy helps a dog stuck in a tree and gains confidence to play with other boys.
    by anabelaguiarprof
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  • Three sea creatures, a turtle, a fish, and a seahorse, help an angry octopus remove a plastic bag from its leg. The octopus then helps the turtle when it accidentally swallows the bag. Together, they work to clean up the sea and raise awareness about pollution.
    by anabelaguiarprof
    Eye Icon 455
  • Babylon was a city in Iraq known for its buildings, structures, and Hammurabi's code. It existed from 1770BC to 1670BC. After the conquest by Persian kings, most of the impressive buildings were destroyed. Babylon is famous for its Hanging Garden and was the most important center of Mesopotamia in the 6th century B.C.
    by anabelaguiarprof
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