My Published Books (3)

  • This book provides a brief history of Boeing, Airbus, McDonnell Douglas, and Lockheed Martin, highlighting their notable planes and achievements.
    by Abriel Anoop
    Eye Icon 9
  • Come and learn all about rockets to become a rocket genius.
    by Abriel Anoop
    Eye Icon 21
  • this book is going to help little smarties in the Future.
    by Abriel Anoop
    Eye Icon 30

My Public / Unpublished Books (3)

  • This book will tell you all about the planes that can go super sonic from the infamous concord the Su-57 Felon
    by Abriel Anoop
  • This book helps people to discover the mysteries of the universe and helps you to learn more about the universe so that you can become a smartie about the universe.
    by Abriel Anoop
  • Learn about all the legends of the sky like the wright brothers who invented the first plane to the miracle on the Hudson back in 2009
    by Abriel Anoop
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