My Published Books (4)

  • by Dr. Christopher McCreanor PhD
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  • The Story behind Roona’s Big Birthday Surprise

    It was a great pleasure and honour to work with Hermoine Chan on creating this amazing story. Hermoine is an exceptionally talented and gifted young lady with a vivid imagination and a great passion for her fluffy animal family and storytelling.

    This story was written during our online English lessons on Cambly, and I have decided to write the story up, edit and illustrate the story to bring to life the product of our imaginations. It was a wonderful creative journey! A storytelling journey to cherish and to share with the world.
    by Dr. Christopher McCreanor PhD
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  • Prince Oswald, banished by his greedy father, seeks help from a wise wizard and uses a magic mirror to defeat him and become the new king.
    by Dr. Christopher McCreanor PhD
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  • This is a wonderful book about different countries in the world. It has many activities pages, for drawing, colouring and making flags, banners and your own passport. Leo Liu's book is truly a unique fun-filled book.
    by Dr. Christopher McCreanor PhD
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My Public / Unpublished Books (1)

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